Increase your sales with our zero effort solution

We are a product recommendation engine for Shopify users. 


Our zero effort app continuously analyses shopper behavioural data to help you set the  best automated bundles to maximise your sales. 

Why Choose Stokes?

We set up automatic product bundles based on your customers need. No hidden costs, no locked features. For only 15 USD/ month you get access to all features including a realtime dashboard of your sales numbers and detailed reports sent to your inbox daily.

We are easy to install and manage

You can sit back and relax while our plugin does the rest. No need for you to manually add anything. Our zero effort app will calculate the best product bundles and display them for you to maximise your sales.

Meanwhile our dashboard will help you understand how your customers behave and adjust your webshop accordingly.

Zero effort

Zero effort

No need for dedicated professionals to help to create recommendations and improve them.

Full access and no hidden costs

Full access and no hidden costs

You can always use all the features - there are no shady costs.

Saves you time

Saves you time

No need to do anything. Just sit back and relax.

Detailed reports

Detailed reports

You can track your shop's behavior with our simple but informational daily reports sent directly to your mailbox.

Market behaviour

Stokes is keeping an eye on the market to see what is trending. 

Our goal is to create product bundles to your digital shoppers needs and not just to display as many product recommendations as possible.

Install the app and start selling more with Stokes

We offer a 30 day trial period for you to check out what Stokes can do for your store.

In this period you will have free access to all of our features including the dashboard and daily reports. 

Shopify Latest News

Here’s a short news feed for you with the latest articles from Shopify 


Zero effort for maximum impact

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